Andy Fillmore for Mayor of Halifax

Working Collaboratively

We live in an era of increasingly complex challenges, and increasingly rewarding opportunities. To meet these challenges and opportunities effectively, we must work collaboratively and productively with all public and private sector partners. The time for problem description is over. The time for problem-solving is here.

Yet there are Councillors in this mayoral race who even now continue to choose finger-pointing and blame rather than working collaboratively to get good work done. This election can bring an end to this era of finger-pointing. 

I will lead a city government that rolls up our sleeves, extends the hand of partnership, and gets to work delivering for you and your family. We can and will build a city where everyone can thrive if everyone works together.

As mayor I would...


  • Work in earnest partnership with anyone who will work with me, including other levels of government, to build homes that you can afford, deliver a more reliable transit system, and chart a new course on managing encampments in our city. 
  • My first act as Mayor will be to call Premier Tim Houston and tell him he has a willing partner in me, and in City Hall, to solve this housing crisis.
  • I have worked in, and with, all three levels of government throughout my 30-year career as a city planner and parliamentarian. I will bring to City Hall ready-made productive relationships in these networks that will hit the ground running.

Community Consultation

  • My successes in my 30-year career as a city planner - from helping to write the HRM Regional Plan, to leading the HRMbyDesign Downtown Plan, to helping to deliver the Halifax Central Library - happened because I have always insisted on keeping public consultation at the centre of the work
  • We will renew HRM’s commitment to meaningful public consultation so residents have a voice in the decisions that impact their neighbourhoods and their lives, especially around managing the extraordinary growth that we are experiencing across HRM. This includes working closely with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion/African Nova Scotian Affairs Integration Office.